Quixxi SAST Scan is a static scanner, it can pickup false positives.

Sometimes vulnerabilities in the third party libraries, that you cannot have control. It that case you can omit the vulnerability by following the below. This will help to exclude/omit the vulnerabilities and download a custom report.

Open the App SCAN Report view

Step 1: Uncheck the vulnerabilities that you wanted to exclude (as shown in below image)

(All vulnerabilities will be selected by default, unselecting will exclude from report)

Step 2: Check the box to enable the Download Custom Report Button (as shown in below image)

This will generate a new custom report, printing only the selected vulnerabilities.

Step 3: Here in the downloaded PDF you can see excluded vulnerability number under Omitted Results 

(as shown in below image)

It will print the number and there will not be any information about the excluded vulnerability.