Assets files encryption support for cross platform apps already exists. Assets files opened using will be encrypted when turning on the option “Encrypt the assets folder”.
USB Debugging improvement, Wireless debugging option will be detected as security threat:
Wireless debugging option must be turned off to run the application.
User analytics and threat logs detection bug fixes:
An issue in pushing threat log and device data has been fixed.
Device Id will be used as an identified in threat logs:
Email id is removed from Threat logs, Device ID will be used to identify threat logs in a device.
Release Notes for Quixxi Users:
Assets files encryption support for cross platform apps already exists. Assets files opened using will be encrypted when turning on the option “Encrypt the assets folder”.
Wireless debugging option must be turned off to run the application.
An issue in pushing threat log and device data has been fixed.
Email id is removed from Threat logs, Device ID will be used to identify threat logs in a device.
Issue in user defaults encryption is fixed.