1. One-off plan for applying shield, SAST scan, DAST scan, WebAPI scan once.
Users can buy one-off plans to apply shield, SAST, DAST and Web API Scans.
2. Revised Monthly plans
Revised Pricing for month plans.
3. Parallel SAST, DAST and WebAPI Scans.
No waiting in a queue to scan application, scan for the application will start in few seconds.
4. Dynamic analysis security testing for Android and iOS applications.
Verify your application security standard against OWASP Mobile Testing Guide. You can verify how your application reacts when running on rooted device. You can also verify the application SSL Pinning prevention, Endpoint validation, Sensitive data saved on the internal and external storage, based on MSTG guidelines, capture web traffic using proxy analyse the sensitive shared to third party APIs.
5. Web API scan.
Support to test Web API for vulnerability based on OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability standard
Rajesh Kumar
1. One-off plan for applying shield, SAST scan, DAST scan, WebAPI scan once.
Users can buy one-off plans to apply shield, SAST, DAST and Web API Scans.
2. Revised Monthly plans
Revised Pricing for month plans.
3. Parallel SAST, DAST and WebAPI Scans.
No waiting in a queue to scan application, scan for the application will start in few seconds.
4. Dynamic analysis security testing for Android and iOS applications.
Verify your application security standard against OWASP Mobile Testing Guide. You can verify how your application reacts when running on rooted device. You can also verify the application SSL Pinning prevention, Endpoint validation, Sensitive data saved on the internal and external storage, based on MSTG guidelines, capture web traffic using proxy analyse the sensitive shared to third party APIs.
5. Web API scan.
Support to test Web API for vulnerability based on OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability standard